Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 6.2: 6.2.3.Final.

What’s new

This release includes several bug fixes and small performance improvements.

Hibernate Spatial

PostGIS distance operators

We have added HQL support for the native PostGIS distance operators. For details, see HHH-15160.


Refresh operations

We have fixed a couple of issues related to the refresh operation:

  • An error was triggered when calling refresh on an entity with both lazy and eager associations (see HHH-16423).

  • The lazy loading of associated collections failed after calling refresh on an entity (see HHH-16447).

Associated collection loading

We have fixed several bugs related to loading an entity’s associated collections:

  • Loading an Entity with two eager collections produced duplicates if one of the collection is a bag (see HHH-16453).

  • Multiple identical SELECT statements were issues to load an optional one-to-one association (see HHH-16469).

Treated paths and entity types

We have improved Hibernate’s handling of treated entity types. Previously, in some cases, we were creating too restrictive queries for certain inheritance structures and treated paths. With this new logic we should always guarantee correct results while also gaining improved query optimization and performance (see HHH-15726).


We continue to improve support for Java Generics: we added handling for generic component properties (i.e. @Embedded and @EmbeddedId) that will allow the use of Generics while being consistent with the JPA specification and providing correct results (see HHH-16491).

There are more improvements and bugfixes included in this version. You can find the full list of changes here.


For additional details, see:

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